Scorpion fish broth, egg tagliolini and mullet roe

Scorpion fish broth, egg tagliolini and mullet roe
Difficulty Level
Cooking Time
4 h

Recipe by Chef Daniele Zennaro . Al Vecio Fritolin - Venice

(serves 4)

scorpion fish
2500 g
200 g
200 g
white onions
200 g
200 g
200 g
tinned tomatoes
200 g
400 g
semolina flour
350 g
400 g
egg yolks
50 g
mullet roe
for the garnish
for the garnish
ground pepper
extra virgin olive oil
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Clean the scorpion fish, fillet it and take the skin off. Place the fillets in the fridge and put all the carcases under running water to clean.
Meanwhile, peel all the vegetables and make a coarse mirepoix. Sauté with a little olive oil in a pan, add the fish carcases and cook well, then add the tomatoes and cover with cold water.
Let it simmer on a gentle fire for about 4 hours, then pass it through a food mill to extract all the juices and then through a muslin cloth to get a clear broth. Let it reduce further by half on a gentle fire.

Preparazione Tagliolini


To prepare the pasta dough, mix the flour with the eggs, forming a smooth elastic ball. Put vacuum and store in refrigerator, roll out the next day with the a pasta machine to obtain sheets of about 50/60 gr each and then cut in tagliolini and store in the fridge slightly dusted with semolina flour.

Cut the scorpion fish fillet into chunks and brown them in a hot pan with a drizzle of olive oil. Cook the pasta in salted water and place in a pan with a bit of cooking water and extra virgin olive oil. With the help of a fork, prepare a nest of tagliolini and place in a deep dish. Cover with scorpion fish broth ¾ of the pasta and add some pieces of fish fillet on top.
Complete the dish with grated Cabbras mullet roe, a grinding of fresh pepper and a sprig of chervil.