11327 tax property laws

we have a property in seborga which we bought in feb 2008. we were hoping to sell up in the uk and take up residency. now that the market in the uk has stalled we are going to fall foul of the 18 month residency laws,as selling our house may take a year. i am looking for an english speaking comercialista somewhere near to us either in bordegira or around the area to sort out the taxation. if anyone knows of one we would be most gratefull.
nick bass.
p s my friend lives in perianaldo he is a guitarist in full optional. maybe you have met?


Sorry to hear that 'the downturn' has snagged your plans. I'd suggest you contact your notaio - (though probably a commercialista with your atto in hand would also be able to sort it out for you).

You are going to have to bite the bullet and pay the tax which you saved by buying as 'prima casa', but at the moment, because you are within the 18 month period, the extra charge will be tiny - (based only on the interest lost by the government, say about 2%).

But do it now, because once you are over the eighteen month period, fines apply and it all gets more awkward.

Perhaps less well-known than the 18-month deadline within which to obtain residency in order to qualify for the prima casa tax discount is that if you buy a property as your prima casa, sell it within five years, and then do not buy another house within one year of the sale, you are required to repay the discounted tax, plus interest on that amount for the elapsed time, plus a penalty. In my case, the bill arrived within four weeks of the year's end. I was so impressed by the speed and efficiency of the Agenzie delle Entrate that I was almost delighted to pay up.
If the property was bought in joint names, each party receives a bill for the full amount, and it takes a worrying few minutes scanning 8 closely printed pages to find the sentence that points out that payment of the amount by one of the parties, releases other party's obligation.

Not as good as a direct recommendation, but you can always do what I did some years ago when looking for an English-speaking professional in another specialism.

Search on yellow pages: e.g. [url=http://www.paginegialle.it/pgol/4-commercialista/3-bordighera]Commercialista Bordighera | PagineGialle.it[/url] then google for an email address - e.g. the first one on that list has his own website ([url=http://www.stefanoraimondo.it/]:::::::::: Studio Raimondo ::::::::::[/url] and evidently speaks excellent French), then email. Most will not reply, but you should get lucky eventually.

Apparently few commercialistas in Bordighera- you may end up in San Remo.

This lady has her studio in Lucca and I can personally recommend her. [URL="http://studiogirolami.net/eng/index.php"]Tax assistant Girolami Paola in Lucca[/URL]

A good excuse for a day trip, but after that, once she is on your case you can deal by phone, email etc.