11371 Inside Abruzzo

For those of you interested in Abruzzo, I stumbled across an internet site via a Wikipedia search and have to say that it is one of the best I've seen.

It covers the areas of Pescara, Chieti, Teramo & L'Aquila, providing all sorts of information from wine producers, speciality foods, restaurants, accommodation and history on each area. Also it is in English, German and Italian

It's certainly worth a look.

[url=http://www.inside-abruzzo.com/en]Inside Abruzzo... entdecke Besonderes! - Inside Abruzzo... insider tips uncovered![/url]

[url=http://www.lagrandequercia-abruzzo.com]La Grande Quercia Bed & Breakfast[/url]


Nice site thanks for the link:smile:

Very nice feel to the sight, you can tell it's been pulled together professionally and not by the Comune. Oh, and Abruzzo looks greeeat too! Hoping to visit one day soon.:yes: Thank you.

I've seen the site a few times and found it really useful

2 places I intend visiting this year are the Torre di Pretoro ristorante and the Valle Reale estate near Popoli where as well as tasting and buying wine you can also book a picnic to be eaten in the estate's olive grooves!