11589 BBC Radio 4 Book Of The Week this week (Feb 2009)

This week's book is 'The Last Supper' ; Rachel Cusk's account of a 3-month art tour of Tuscany and Umbria (so far). I'm finding the book a little precious - the style clearly meant to emulate Under The Tuscan You-Know-What - but it's worth listening-to, if only for the feeling of superiority gained by spotting the reader's mispronunciations of basic Italian.

[url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006qftk]Listen Again link>[/url]

Culture & Entertainment

[COLOR="red"]if only for the feeling of superiority gained by spotting the reader's mispronunciations of basic Italian.[/COLOR]

Yes that might irritate me. I wonder why the Beeb chose someone with bad pronunciation. They usually take care over this sort of thing.

I read the reviews of the book (it must be brand new) in the weekend papers, and each reviewer seemed a bit baffled as to why they took kids out of school just to wander about for a couple of months and not really engage with where they went. It didn't appeal to me.