484 I have fallen in love with the thought of living in Italy

[=Arial]I [/FONT][COLOR=DarkOrange]Hello ,i'm very new at this[/COLOR] My name is Irene, I am from Texas and I have fallen in love with the idea of living in Italy. Pretty wild, maybe it's a sorta midlife crisis,can anybody tell me if that's even possible, or give me any advice? Has anybody out there left there home in America for Italy just because it was a dream of theirs? Thanks

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Hi Irene,
You are one of many who dreaming about living in Italy.[i]--edited for content (admin)--[/i]
I also dream about living in Italy on a daily basis and I hope one day this dream will come true.


Hi Irene,
I made the move to Italy from the UK, of course it IS possible, but (Aint there always a BUT), you will need finance to start up, an income to live on, and a sense of adventure...
"Some live to dream, others live the dream"

Entirely possible but a few hurdles to cross. One initial one is obtaining a visa with Americans able to spend only 90 days (in a 1/2 year period) in Italy.

Casale-Villa in Abruzzo

Hi there

I would thoroughly recommend it. We have just completed our first year. If you need any help or advice on renting/buying or want to share our experiences of red tape etc both good and bad, happy to share them!