In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
In reply to A newbie all over again! by Annec
You can certainly domiciliare all utilities we have found. You can also pay on-line, including ICI and recharge mobile phones etc. I suggest you look again. The inexpensive system of transfer is eurogiro via Alliance and Leicester. It costs £7.50 to send (3-5 days) and €2 to receive. Good Luck, persist.
Yes. I think you can also pay the telecom bill via the Post Office but not alot else. When we asked we could not pay the mortgage via a direct debit with their account nor the telepass which at that point was an essential for us. That was a year or so ago and they did insist that all would soon change , as the PO was a 'new' bank not all systems were then up and running. We also had problems transferring money from the UK, it went 'missing' and took a while to track down. However, we were trying to do it via the normal international transfer route as you would do with other banks and not via the system someone has previously posted as being specific to the PO (sorry I can't remember the details). The staff were always very helpful but neglected to tell us, or perhaps simply did not know, that there was a better way to transfer money into one of their accounts. So whilst the PO account may have its benefits, it also has its disadvantages.
Some may be interested to know that the house insurance the PO offers does cover earthquakes, but you have to have an account with them to take it out.