838 Heart lies in Italy


I have travelled to Italy many times, visiting Rome, Naples, Capri, Formia, Gaeta, Larke Garda and Como, but my favourite place would have to be TERRACINA. I first visited here in 1990 and fell in love with the place. My heart will always be there, though I live in Norfolk. I too, would like to up and move to Italy, if there was the right job available for my husband, then I would go tomorrow. I envy those of you who have made that step. I visit Italy as often as I can and plan a day trip later this year to Rome. If anyone out there knows of the train times from Ciampino airport to Terracina, then I would be very greatful.


Introduce Yourself - Piacere Conoscerti

Have you tried the online timetables on
[url]http://www.trenitalia.it/en/index.html[/url] ?
I've found them very efficient..


[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Thanks for your email reply.

Yes, I did look at the Trentitalia website last night and managed to find a timetable for Terracina, however the times were too late, as I am only doing a day trip to Rome, flying to Ciampino from Stanstead and I desperately want to get a few hours at Terracina, which is only an hours drive from Rome. :)