964 Finding Roberto

Hello members….I’m glad I’ve found this magazine. I just registered 2 days ago. Can anyone please tell me how I go about finding my long lost friend. I met Roberto in Chiang Mai, the North of Thailand, in April 1984, a week later we went down to Kho Samui, an island of the south of Thailand and stayed there for one week. In August 1984, I went to BARI to visit Roberto and stayed with him and his mum for 4 weeks. Roberto’s family had a shop selling clocks and watches. On my last day, we had an argument at the airport. I came back to Thailand with flood of tears. Since then we lost touch. I married an English man and have been living in London for 19 years. I’m now divorced. I just want to see Roberto again if he’s still alive and well. Please don’t tell me to go straight to BARI to look for him. I’m a beginner at the local Italian language class. And also things changed nowadays. His shop may not be there anymore. Positive response is really appreciated. Jana

Introduce Yourself - Piacere Conoscerti

Hi, there seem to be two major shops for clocks and watches in Bari:

Perhaps you want to try and send them an e-mail and ask for Roberto.

Good luck!


please let us know if you find him, I love a good love story....


We also love romance, you now have a couple of clockmakers websites for Bari. Keep us posted. Hope you find him.

[B][I]When you are old and grey, and full of sleep,
And nodding by the fire,
Take down this book, and slowly read and dream,
Of how your eyes once looked,
And of their shadows deep.

And bending down, beside the glowing bars,
Murmur, a little sadly, how love fled,
And paced upon the mountains overhead,
And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.
(W.B.Yeats) [/I] [/B]
best of luck, keep in touch,

Ian and Sandra

I was born in Bari and I've still a lot of contacts there.
Could you be more precise about Roberto ? I could ask somebody

Roberto was 24 yrs old when we first met in Chiang Mai, in Apr'84. I never remember his family name (such a long name). Roberto had curly shoulder length hair. Roberto has 1 older brother who studied Russain language at the time I met him, who lived with Roberto and his mum in the same house. He also has 1 older sister who lived in Rome with her children at the time we met her in Rome. I dont recall about Roberto's father. Roberto took me to meet his aunt somewhere in BARI, who cooked me my favourite ravioli dish.

Roberto drove me in his old Fiat from Bari up to Bologna (or vice versa when he picked me up from the airport), during my 4 weeks holiday in Italy. We stopped and stayed in the camping sites, anywhere, by the sea, in the forest when it was dark. We had the photos taken everywhere but since I came back to Thailand. I thought I will never to see Roberto again so I burnt the whole lot off. Also Roberto called me "LILY" because he loves lily flowers. Could anyone pls send yr response to [email]Janadonna@hotmail.com[/email]. I'm getting embarassed about this story now.

[QUOTE=olasveita]Hi, there seem to be two major shops for clocks and watches in Bari:

Perhaps you want to try and send them an e-mail and ask for Roberto.

Good luck!


Hello O
I've emailed them to the two websites you have given me. But unfortunately, there were no reply from them. By the way, thank you for your help.


Please don't be embarrassed!!

I'm sure we would all love to help you find out how Roberto is now.

I don't imagine for a moment that he hasn't thought about you during the years.

Let us know how you get on - it will be nice for you at least to have a chance to say hello to each other again :)


[QUOTE=Jana Kampuntong]Hello O
I've emailed them to the two websites you have given me. But unfortunately, there were no reply from them. By the way, thank you for your help.


It is only the 3rd of August now and if I have learnt anything about Italy it that things take time even the reading of e-mails and then replying. There is plenty of time left in this world - and the Italian way of life seems to make as much use of it as possible, frustrating when you want something done but nice if you are the one doing it!! Ask my wife she hates it - especially when I do it!:D


how is it going? Any reply yet from the shops, any sign of Roberto? If you need help writing in Italian, let me know!



sorry, I called you Jane......

Hello Will
Really appreciate your message and advice..... no not at all you're not cruel ...on the contary it sounds sensible to stop finding Roberto...but just because I'm divorced perhaps most people is thinking that I wanted to rekindle with Roberto after 20 yrs ago. I hope you would understand that I now live in England with my 2 boys (18 and 16) although I go to Thailand from time to time. It's a lot easier to find Roberto when I'm still in London even though Roberto is probably happily married with lots of children but I cant see why not Roberto, his wife and me still be friends. They could come to visit me and my children in London and vice versa.

Best regards


Hello Notaio
I sent my reply to your mail on 03 Aug 05 but have not heard anything from you since...just wondered have you given up to help me finding Roberto...u mentioned in your mail that you were born in Bari...look forward to hearing from you. Regards
