1188 08-04-05 ?

What was going on on the Forum on 08-04-05 ( is that 8th April or 4th August?-must have been April when I had no system !!) when 320 people were on the Forum all at the same time ? .......and yes...i'm reading all the little bits at the bottom of screen....anyone else for Georgees sing-song ???? ;)

General chat about Italy

Maybe lots of search engines? :)

I think thats when the site re launched, somebody must remember, ohhh unless all 320 of them have been frightened away...

"It would be unwise to comment on the events surrounding that date given that a formal enquiry is underway. The Italy Magazine management is confident that the enquiry will be carried out in a professional manner and will accept the results of that inquiry (although we will staunchly refuse to take any responsibility for those results). We would however like to stress that claims of attempts to 'sex up' the forum using statistics are completely unfounded. Italy Mag webmaster Ronald has made it clear - stating "There was absolutely no pressure from Poundbury to sex up the forums."

"Finally, we neither confirm nor deny the claim of GeorgeS regarding the as yet unverified claim that that is the date of the new forums launch although that may very well be the launch date..."

"We hope this will be the end of the matter and request that our forum members focus on the central concerns of the forum, such as olive groves, restoration, mould, gas bills, wine, etc."