1098 Walking in Italy

Is there an organisation in Italy similar to The Ramblers Association? Just wondered if one is allowed to go walking in the countryside as in England.

Travel & Holiday Advice

Yes, "CAI" I believe. There must be a website.

I have done a few organised walks in Italy following "CAI markers" therefore I assume that this is some sort of countryside association.

Try Club Alpino Italia[no]


This week I borrowed a book from the library called "Walking Italy" by Gillian and John Souter ISBN 1 84330 122 9 and it includes walks in the countryside and in cities, with full instructions and advice. It costs £14.99 to buy.

[url]www.parks.it[/url] is a good resource for more information on the natural parks all over the country - many have itineraries for walks graded for difficulty and length.

Many thanks for the above suggestions, we will certainly investigate them.