Ignore imbeciles,Lippi tells Balotelli

| Tue, 06/09/2009 - 03:20

Italy's teen striker should ignore the ''imbeciles'' who continue to bait him with racial taunts, Azzurri coach Marcello Lippi said Monday.

Speaking in South Africa, where Italy is warming up for the Confederations Cup, Lippi told reporters: ''If I may give him a piece of advice, I say don't let imbeciles affect your life, the world is full of them''.

Lippi said the under-21 striker was ''surrounded by warmth, respect and consideration'' and must try to let any slurs ''go in one ear and come out the other''.

Inter Milan forward Balotelli, 18, has been subjected to racist abuse at several Inter games.

On Saturday he was taunted by Roma fans at a Rome restaurant and reportedly had bananas thrown at him.

The Italo-Ghanaian star, who has twice reacted to stadium abuse with highly publicised gestures, kept his cool and did not file a complaint with police.

Balotelli, who was born in Palermo, is seen by many as having a bright future for Italy.
