1140 General DIY store in Puglia

I remember seeing somewhere on the Forum that there is a general DIY store near Brindisi ( I think it begins with 'M')..I've been thru all posts but can't find it !!!

Does any one know exactly where it is ( i.e.Industrial estate ???) and how to get there ??? The name would help, as well !!! :rolleyes:


would that be Mmmmmmmmmmm Castorama by any chance, if you click [url]http://www.castorama.it/cataloghi_castorama/#[/url]

I have aranged for them to give you directions from your gateway to theirs, just click on the map, it will be done... :D

No, George it is Mercatoneuno ( I looked it up on a search on the internet...clever eh??? !!!! :rolleyes: ) really good web-site and they have given me a 'how to get from my front door' map !!!!!!!
Going next week to check it out....much nearer than castronoma but may have to go there if i want an 'above ground swimming pool ' next year !! Thanks for the tip anyway :)

We bought our above the ground pool in Brico. It was 100e all in (on offer). Their might be a Brico nearby. Mercatoniuno sell just about everything. There is one in Pesaro.

We have Mercatone uno in Civitanova Marche, was disappointed with their "diy" section though...Good luck chuck. :)

Was it really 100 Euros Kirsten, or did you leave a nought off. How big is it please ? :o
We've been looking at a biggy in Castronama Catalogue for 2000 Euros inc filters etc. but want to go and see one for real.

Haven't heard of a Brico in Puglia...will do a search on the net. !!
Thanks everyone.....

Could you please confirm that we do not need any sort of permission ( or have to pay any more TAX ! :eek: ) if we go for an above ground swimming pool.

Cheers me dears !
Just done search and can only find a French site..has anyone got the Italian site address please ? Looks good...would like to see if we ahve one in puglia but french site doesn't help.

[QUOTE=alex and lyn]Was it really 100 Euros Kirsten, or did you leave a nought off. How big is it please ? :o
We've been looking at a biggy in Castronama Catalogue for 2000 Euros inc filters etc. but want to go and see one for real.[/QUOTE]
The Castorama at Colonella (TE) has a couple of large above ground pools assembled and working on display, I guess it's a bit far away from you :) but there should be similar displays at other Castorama stores.