11630 Learning the Lingua

I am currently studying Italian and plan to take the A/S level exam this year, not having taken an exam for ...umm..years. Is there anyone else in a similar position, I feel in need of moral support as well as practical help!

Che significa? - Italian Language Queries

me too, I passed my GCSE (A*):yes:last year and have just started investigations about AS..dont know if I am up to scratch. I am trying to get hold of some past papers ..Where are you taking the exam?

We live in England and we also have a house in Le Marche. I know it says here Le Marche but it lies! I have tried to change it with no luck.

The A/S examination has changed format this year so I believe. I am 'doing' a new topic each week, (ooh my poor brain). Last week it was smoking, this week drugs, next week teenage pregnancy and prostitution. I really need to get my hands on some up to date literature on current topics such as these, as well as listening to and speaking Italian. I watch RAI International news on line but I can't seem to get any RAI radio. I need talk radio not music.

On another thread asking about the best way to learn Italian, I have tried do-it-myself at home i.e. with cds and/or tapes with books etc, Further Education college classes, purely conversation and now 1-to-1 tuition. The latter is the best by far although I do feel the classes were helpful initially.


Annie - search Youtube for current news articles on the subjects you are interested in - just use the subject as a keyword in Italian to search. Lots available.

Thank you for the utube suggestion. I have been told to go to about.com for part of my homework too.
Can you suggest the website of a good Italian radio programme? Good for me to sharpen up my listening skills that is. I do watch RAI international news but I'd have to be on something to keep up with that speed!


I'm not too hot on the type of radio stations you would need - I listen to music radio mainly. Someone living in Italy should be able to help though - perhaps Charles Phillips?

Best news (and also a lot of good talk programmes) may be Radio Tre available on the RadioRaiPlayer Live together with other useful stations. Cick 'ascolta radio 3 in diretta' here: [url]http://www.radio.rai.it/radio3/index.htm[/url]

Hi Annie,

Some friends of our are part-owners of a tv station in Pisa. Check out the website. It is Canale 50. You can download news programs.

[url=http://www.50canale.tv/]Benvenuto in prima pagina[/url]

[quote=Lisa C.;110585]Hi Annie,

Some friends of our are part-owners of a tv station in Pisa. Check out the website. It is Canale 50. You can download news programs.

[url=http://www.50canale.tv/]Benvenuto in prima pagina[/url][/quote]

Hello Lisa

It's good to talk! Thank you for this suggestion, I will investigate it.

How is the snow up your way? It is snowing here again as I type this.


[quote=Anniet2;110838]Hello Lisa

It's good to talk! Thank you for this suggestion, I will investigate it.

How is the snow up your way? It is snowing here again as I type this.


Hi Annie,

Still quite a bit as seen out our back door. More on the way possibly tonight! Let me know if the television program helps.


[quote=bosco;110580]Best news (and also a lot of good talk programmes) may be Radio Tre available on the RadioRaiPlayer Live together with other useful stations. Cick 'ascolta radio 3 in diretta' here: [url=http://www.radio.rai.it/radio3/index.htm]Il sito internet di Radio 3 Rai[/url][/quote]

Many thanks for this. I spent a happy few hours listening to a phone in about football last evening while waiting for my husband to get home through the ice and snow. I know nothing about il calcio but it was good to be able to catch at least some of the gist of the conversations.