11082 Macerata Monthly

Just come across this new initiative - a monthly email newsletterwhose aim is to "provide you, the ex-pat and local community in Macerata, with a consolidated listing of events throughout the province, report on interesting goings-on, furnish you with useful tips, and give you an exposure to the wonderful and diverse offerings of our province."

If you are interested, send me a pm and I'll forward you the email address. Would post it on here but just a bit chary of handing out emails willy nilly, even though in this case it is supposed to be a public resource

Do & See

Anne, Is this provided by the province or some other source?

It's a private initiative. I've just received the first newsletter, and it's 5 pages long with a mix of articles, recipes, events notification. It's clearly Macerata province orientated, although they have a section called "Beyond the borders" - where they've mentioned an art exhibition at my house on 13th December!