1314 Masking unsightly buildings

Could anyone out there recommend a fast growing plant that would mask the view which I have from my sun terrace. When I bought my house I was told my next door neighbour would be completing his buildingwork soon ( That was 18 months ago ). I have now discovered that the Italians build as money becomes available, and apparently my neighbour has run out of money.I overlook rusting machinery, rubble, old wooden boxes, etc etc.Plus his windows on my side have not yet been put in, so it looks like a bomb site.
Sorry for wearing my English head ( All this does not bother the other Italian neighbours), but can anyone advise me what to plant???

Gardening & Agriculture

Morning glory and potato vine are two good creeping plants that could help as a screen.

Otherwise something simple like bamboo or kei apple could work.


Thanks for your reply, I shall try and find these plants , any idea when they need to go in the gound? Does it have to be September? Once more , many thanks

Do you think that "just by accident" a bit of Russian vine might start to grow over your neighbour's rubble? Russian vine isn't called "mile a minute" for no reason. :-)

Pamela - I think the creeping plants would benefit for being planted in spring, but the bamboo and kei apple could be set out at pretty much any time of year.