11276 weather via pda

Does anyone know of a weather forecasting site for Italian towns that is pda friendly?
I have tried meteo.it without success.

General chat about Italy


[url=http://www.weatheronline.co.uk/services/free/PDA.htm]Free Services : PDA - Weather UK - weatheronline.co.uk[/url]

They have major Italian cities on their lists.


Thanks to Alan (and this does give me Rome and Ancona) but I am interested to know if there is a service which covers smaller towns (Marche / Abruzzo in particular).
I would like to pick up weather (snow) reports on my pda when I am in Italy as my place is close to the mountains and an early warning would be useful.

Try- [url=http://www.ilmeteo.it/ ] - they give the weather for local areas.