1318 Security and Crime - Puglia

Not to put too much of a downer on things - but in this day and age the subject is pertinent I think :(

We live on the Costa del Sol and have had been burgled twice with one other attempted break-in. We are very keen to re-locate to Puglia and (although it won't make any difference to our plans) I just want to be prepared.

Common sense tells me that (as in Spain) we should have lockable shutters on the windows and doors of the house.

Any other advice gratefully received.

General chat about Italy

Dear Susan,

We were advised to have an alarm system fitted and have done so. Cost we thought was reasonable and alarm also acts as an alert should you have medical problems too. Our solicitor agreed to act as a key holder and so this is what we've done. We've also fitted extra locks and chains on both doors.

Before we came, I read a bit about crime in Puglia but so far haven't witnessed anything. All our neighbours say they have never been burgled but I have to admit a lot of them do have very secure steel gates etc. and seem security minded.
We take basic precautions like always locking up when we are out and at night ...but quite frankly , I feel safer here than in the UK. Also we are lucky in that our land is fully fenced on all sides .

I expect a lot depends on where you live .

We were given a quote for an alarm system by the Vigilante and it was 1500 Euros for the system, then 400 Euros a year for the vigilante to check alarm and keep an eye on the property.
As we are here most of the time, we haven't taken it up yet...but may when we get 'geriatric'!!

Having now tempted fate ...I await the burgler tonight !!! :rolleyes: