1287 Watching Eng Footie in Puglia - Urgent help!

Oh yes we are both out over the final cruitial 2 matches in Puglia and need to find a bar that we can view the match, which may clash with the Italian match. Can anyone recommend somewhere we could watch it.

We will be taking both English and Italian footie top to the bar so we can support Italy after our match, after all I feel half Italian now we are about to buy a property out there.

Help us please, otherwise we night have to cancel our holiday or recieve text messages and pics from blighty.




If you really have to know whats going on at the football
- [I thought the whole point in going abroad is to get away from UK news] -

take a Short Wave radio and listen to the games on BBC World Service
[assuming the Beeb considers them important enough to broadcast]

Why not get friends to record them so you can watch them [probably lose] when you get home

Your right, we do normally not bother with mobiles or anything to remind us of the old country, but football is football. Nearly every game has been played whilst I've been abroad, actually its really nice watching games in a different country much more civilised and you can see the screen!
