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Mon, 10/05/2009 - 11:13

Hi Londonlass. I am so glad it worked for somebody!! Congratulations - you've made my day!! Alledgedly, the diferent ASUR offices must treat us all the same so if you can get it, I should be able to get it. I have just posted off the letter that Charlotte very kindly translated (and rewrote) so we'll see what happens next in the saga. PS - I am afraid I do live here in Amandola, all year round and it hasn't helped!

Sat, 09/26/2009 - 02:36

just not going to run the business from a shop and will run it from home like last year.

Sat, 09/26/2009 - 02:32

Hi Tammy, I think the reason so many people have looked and not commented is because Italy varies so much from region to region (even comune to comune) that you'll probably only get some advice once you narrow down your geographical search. If you're thinking of Tuscany, I would say that is in Central Italy so this might be confusing people. Do you mean Northern Italy or Central Italy (Tuscany/Umbria/Marche)? Maybe Abruzzo is even in Central Italy too (Abruzzese - are you?).Also, Italians aren't big on websites. You might find some places have a rudimentary website that might not work and almost certainly won't have prices. It is changing but researching things via the web is only of limited use because the use of the internet is so behind most countries like the UK and US.Maybe if you make a list of the actual towns that you are thinking of then people might be able to give more specific advice

Answer to: Land Prices
Fri, 09/25/2009 - 14:41
Fri, 09/25/2009 - 14:39

Hi Tammy,your British passport holding OH will have no problems but I'm afraid I don't know about South African passport holders. I'd suggest asking the Italian consulate in South Africa or the South African consulate in Italy. They will definitely know.If you need to work, I would recommend living near a big town or if it is here in Marche, near the coast. There is just much more opportunity for work. Unless you have some money in the bank and just need to tick along, in which case you might scrape by on teaching English to the local community.Tuscany is more expensive than a lot of other regions and as it has always been popular with ex-pats you might find there are plenty there already with contacts in the teaching world. I suppose this could be a good or a bad thing.A friend of ours taught in a school here and found the lack of classroom discipline very difficult to put up with. Good luck with it all and figure out where you want to be first (by doing lots of research and visits) as so much is different from area to area in Italy.

Fri, 09/25/2009 - 02:49

There are no restricions if you are EU citizens. If you're not from the EU then it depends on where you are from.

Fri, 09/25/2009 - 02:47

There is a big reform going on in the school system here with lots of jobs being cut throughout the education system. I would definitely recommend researching that as you might find traditional teaching jobs very thin on the ground. Teaching English as a second language would of course be different. The last time I spoke to someone who was doing this she earnt between 7 and 10 euro an hour.

Answer to: English Sky ??
Wed, 09/23/2009 - 04:32

We can't get English Sky here in Southern Marche so I'm not sure you'll be able to get it at all - sorry. Maybe someone who lives in Abruzzo can comment?

Tue, 09/22/2009 - 13:05

I didn't need my birth certificate translated when I got my "attestato di soggiorno permanente". Each comune is different I suppose.

Mon, 09/21/2009 - 09:18

If you can't find a dance teacher's website that has one you can use, have you tried the ConfCommercio? They have been very helpful for us in our business on these type of things.