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Tue, 08/18/2009 - 13:14

Hmmmm. Not sure that' sgot much to do with English speaking lawyers 

Answer to: Car insurance
Mon, 08/17/2009 - 14:36

Direct Line will accept it.

Mon, 08/17/2009 - 14:31

I agree with Jasper. It is a huge amount of work, maintaining land here. We sold our 10 hectares in the end. You can't just leave it. It has to be kept "clean" in case of fire and if it is sloping, will have to have the drainage ditches redug every year. A lot of work! Just to be devil's advocate, why does everyone seem to want the typical "house in a field"? Is it because we are so "crammed in" in the UK? A lot of people don't realise the impracticalities of living like this all year round, especially in winter when every pint of milk, loaf of bread involves a car journey amd maybe snow chains. Over the last 5 or 6 years a lot of people have said to me that if they had their time again, they would but in a less isolated spot - particularly those with children Personally, give me town living every time!

Answer to: caravan and dog
Fri, 08/14/2009 - 11:21

We did the route the other way this year via Austria, Germany, Luxemburg (cheap petrol), Belgium & France. It took no longer than our usual Switzerland/Franch route and the traffic was fine except for one stretch from Munich to Strasbourg I think, and no tolls except €4.50 in Austria and a tiny amount in the top of France. We'd definitely go that way again especially as we live on the eastern side of Italy.

Answer to: Bitten dog?
Fri, 08/14/2009 - 11:16

Does it only happen in summer? Could it be the horrible grass seeds getting into his skin and causing an infection? My dogs have suffered with these, particularly in their ears (they are setters with long floppy ones), and in fact one of mine was very seriously ill as it was up his nose and heading for his brain. Luckily I have a wonderful vet. No bedside manners but very proficient. The problem with these grass seeds is that they have some kind of hooks up their body that propels them into the flesh so they burrow in. Very often you can't see them nor a puncture wound. They are not very big but look like small version of the grass seed "darts" we used to throw at each other when I was a kid. It is probably less likely if it is always in the same place I suppose unless one is still in there.....

Tue, 08/11/2009 - 10:26

Badger, It is only a problem for unsecured wireless networks. So long as you use security/encryption for your wireless network you're fine.

Tue, 08/11/2009 - 10:22

I would recommend returning the Alice wireless router and buying one yourself (cheaper in the long run anyway). Ooops, just remembered you have the Alice business one don't you, where you have to insert the card? You may be stuck with it then. Normal ones come in different strengths you see. Ask Alice/Telecom if they have anything to offer you as you have no way of knowing if anything else you buy will be compatible with it. If you fancy trying anyway, have a look here are pretty good. You could always try it and send it back if it doesn't work.

Sat, 08/08/2009 - 10:54

Hi, I know Charlotte's firm are now on holiday for 2 weeks and she herself won't be back before 4th September. Although I agree with Adriatica, she is very helpful and we use her too.

Mon, 08/03/2009 - 06:40

I'm afraid the director's answer is that Ascoli have a deroga (extra piece of law) as I understand it which makes them different. I am trying to get hold of it as Charlotte Oliver kindly said she would take a look for me. As ever, it is not proving easy and we are now in August.....

Wed, 07/29/2009 - 15:07

Ask in the comune. Here in Amandola, you can call a number and arrange a collection. They come on a specific day each month.