Ugo's activity

Questions Asked

NEWS !!from 27 march, new  Ryanair Airline  from Perugia to Francoforte

Thu, 02/01/2018 - 03:56

STOP TO  IMMIGRATION TAX FOR 200-EURO The government will then immediately delete the "super tax" of 200 Euros that

Thu, 10/27/2016 - 08:20

Canone Rai: Agenzia Entrate, ecco come chiedere il rimborso

Wed, 08/03/2016 - 06:28

Financial guarantees: careful  !!before agreeing to a guarantee of payment, or in lieu of payment, a guarantee or a warranty, especially if NOT issued by an Italian bank, read the article is about the Bank of Italy, at the following link http://ww

Wed, 07/29/2015 - 06:08

ATTENZIONE - COMUNICAZIONE IMPORTANTE – I am sorry , the news are in italian only – but VERY VERY IMPORTANTTo all peoples that transfert  money from outside the Italy To an Italian bank account   FONTE , Il Sole 24 ore 

Sun, 02/16/2014 - 08:05

Wishing you all a very best 2013 , I takes this opportunty to announce that the website , has set up a new section Italia Segreta, what, where, when, in Italy A DataBase of Italian regions, full of pictures of places, links

Mon, 01/07/2013 - 07:51

the Bank of Italy announced that there are some banks or financial institutions, which are present in Italy, which are not authorized to operate in the Italian market, as it does not on the lists of the bank 's Italy - We strongly recommend not to

Fri, 08/24/2012 - 10:18

Property for sale in Umbria , near Todi , 150 km from Rome Airport and 45 from Perugia airport ( direct Raynair flights to London ) – the property is 600 sqm restored in 2004 , fully living with a private land .

Sat, 07/28/2012 - 06:52

have some furnitures for sale , from a sold villa in Umbria , photos, info and prices , to the following link

Fri, 02/17/2012 - 03:01

Comments posted

Mon, 07/02/2018 - 03:00

non vedo il problema - la legge italiana impone l'uso del valore catastale per il calcolo della tassa catastale sul trasferimento delle proprietà - impone anche , la dichiarazione in atto, del prezzo pagato -  quest'ultima azione , per la legge antiriciclaggio .In particolare , il notaio, dovrà accertare la provenienza del denaro , utilizzato nella compravendita - E quì , entra in causa , l'uso del conto fiduciario del notaio , che trasferisce l'onere di accertamento , alla banca che riceve il denaro ( quì appunto la banca dove è operativo, il conto fiduciario del notaio )  -

Mon, 07/02/2018 - 02:38

Josieapart from the fact that € 33,000 per 10% (second home tax), produces € 3300 and not € 9500 - the only problem is the revision of the Cadrastal property tax and IMU -yet, if you make restoration works, your survejor, surely, submit to cadrastal and municipality archive - this value - maybe decreased! , according actual value

Sun, 07/01/2018 - 02:54

More , IMU is only 242 - before restoration - After it .. surely increase :(The only solution , for you is , ask a Residenza Elettiva , on the apartment , after purhasing -  on this manner you can have Prima Casa - and IMU , disappear :) 

Sun, 07/01/2018 - 02:34

the seller certainly knows that with that value cadastral, his apartment is unsaleable, finding you, he found a treasure! - Realtor ... he's a thief! The only person who has asked for an honest payment is the notary. - Gualdo Tadino, in Umbria, is like saying ... at the end of the world! , is far from the roads, the railway line is badly served, even in the best winters, the city remains blocked for snow, at least 10 days a year -Of course you must have reasons, PARTICULARS, to subject yourself, to all these harassments.At least, when you transfer all the money, to the notary's account, ask to use the notary's trust account, and make an agreement - WRITTEN AND SIGNED BY YOU AND FROM THE NOTARY - in which the principle is stated that the sums deposited will be transferred to the seller, to the real estate agent, to the tax office, and to the notary, in the quantities that you have established - ONLY AND EXCLUSIVELY, to the signing of the public deed of sale.If someone refuses, retires ..., it is the least you can do for your inner peace. 

Sat, 06/30/2018 - 15:14

Josieverona,then the price of the apatment is 9500 euro + 8000 euro - for fees/tax/notary my humble opinion, this is a scam -- how many sqm are the apartment ,  where in Perugia are placed , and in what livig condition is ?

Sat, 06/30/2018 - 05:11

Truely Modi , but on this manner , she pay many money , and in any case , the required documents from Consulate or UK Municipality , can be asked and maked ONLY by herself  - Charge Charlotte , of to provide it , mean  give  the power of attorney , and pay for  flight to UK ....With the documents issued from consulate or Uk Municipality , she can solve all process , with only a little time , spent at Italian Tax office ( that standardly is attached to agency of therritory in Italy .just in this community, an English lady, has done all this procedure alone, simply following this same guide, in a few days.  

Tue, 06/26/2018 - 00:20

Hi Pjs ,First of all it is necessary to ask the consulate of your country in Italy for a document, in Italian, which shows that you are the same person with the married name and you with the girl's name - if the consulate does not do so, it will be necessary get the document from your town of residence, then have it translated into Italian and provide him with Apostille.With the document you received, you have to go to an office of the revenue agency in Italy, and ask for a new tax code, with the girl's noome, then, always in the same office, you have to ask for an update of the purchase , so that it turns out that the property you have purchased with the surname to move, then results in the name of you with the girl's surname.done thisif the deed of purchase was made in England by an English notary and was not registered with the Italian land agency, the first thing to do is to register - The best thing is to contact an Italian consulate, that will provide to you a list of translators, recognized by the consulate, make the translation, the consulate authenticates its conformity - then you will have to ask for the apostille of this document translated and certified by the consulate.With the document so obtained it would be necessary to go to the office of the agency of the territories and ask for the transcription of the act -Open address a notary who will do it for you .Have a good fun ..

Sat, 06/23/2018 - 18:30

Hi rachel ,  mail to 

Tue, 06/19/2018 - 17:07  

Mon, 06/18/2018 - 15:44