Hello!How did you all finally decide on your local

07/09/2024 - 03:20


How did you all finally decide on your local geometra, and ultimately was a large deciding factor because they spoke English or did you always hire a translator? We are purchasing a home in the Ferrara region and struggling to find an English speaking geometra as most place don't have any kind of presence online. 

Any advice into how you made your decision (beyond vibes and price points) would be helpful! Grazi mille!



Our Italian estate agent recommended an English speaking Geometra.

Worth noting - anyone under about 35 speaks some English (Even when they say they don't) - they learn it at school from an early age.

I am an architect working in Northern Italy ( I am originally from Northern Ireland).

I would seriously question the wisdom of looking for a local Geometra, especially if you have a project that is  significant in size.

I work on many different residential projects in different Comuni – I have never had any problems in carrying out a good job. The Bureaucracy in each Comune is slightly different, But all follow the same principals.  It is not rocket science.

The idea of being obliged to find a local geometra strikes me as being medieval and well out of date. The people in charge of the Planning departments in the various Comuni, are always very correct, professional and easy to work with. Long gone are the days of corrupt officials.  In fact some of my clients have come to me asking me to take over from a local Geometra as it has not worked out for them.   My advice is to choose your “Tecnico Incaricato” (Needs to be an Architect, Geometra or Engineer) based on you being on the same wavelength as them and if you feel comfortable working with them.; and you do not need to restrict the choice to only local professionals.