How To Help The Victims Of Central Italy’s Earthquake

The Italian Postal Service has activated, in partnership with the Italian Red Cross, a dedicated bank account. Those living abroad can make donations to the following bank account: “Poste Italiane con Croce Rossa Italiana - Sisma del 24 agosto 2016" - IBAN IT38R0760103000000000900050 - BIC/SWIFT BPPIITRRXXX. You can also visit the British Red Cross website to donate to the Italian Red Cross by credit card or PayPal. Help pets displaced by the earthquake by donating to a special fund organized by these kind folks who have a Facebook Page that you can follow. La Stampa newspaper is offering an emergency fund that you too can participate in. Donating blood – people wishing to donate blood should head to their local Avis center (Associazione Volontari Italiani Sangue) and local hospitals. All blood types are needed, but only people who have already donated before will be accepted (there is no time to verify the health conditions of a person). Restaurants in Italy and abroad are taking part in an initiative to donate €2 to the Italian Red Cross for every plate of pasta all’amatriciana they sell in the coming weeks. See the list of participating restaurants here. In the USA check out the efforts by Foodiamo, an Italian-food-focused website, which is organizing a fundraising campaign with several Italian restaurants in Los Angeles.