Rooting out prostitution

| Mon, 10/18/2010 - 10:31

Angelo Di Paolo, the Head of Public Works in the Abruzzo region, is a man known for his ability to take tough decisions and he has not disappointed with his new scheme for cutting prostitution along the Strada provinciale 1, the Bonifica del Tronto Road, which runs along the Tronto river.

According to the Guardian, Mr Di Paolo wants to destroy 28 hectares [69 acres] of woodland to stop prostitutes, who mostly come from Nigeria, from plying their trade in the area.
The installation of surveillance equipment, police raids and increased patrols along the road have all failed to halt the sex trade there and now Mr Di Paolo says that the regional government must take drastic action. He may well have been inspired by the actions of the local Council in Darwen, England, where earlier this year 6,000 trees were cut down along the A666 road to discourage couples from having sex in nearby woodland.

Environmental groups such as WWF Abruzzo, Lipu and ProNatura have been quick to react.
WWF Abruzzo points out that the trees help counter the effects of air pollution and pesticides. The organisation adds that it is absurd that trees and plants will have to pay the price for human bevaviour.

Prostitution is not illegal in Italy but organising the trade is.

Do you agree with Mr Di Paolo’ s decision?
