Slow food university

| Mon, 06/14/2010 - 06:39

The six-year-old University of Gastronomic Science on two campuses at Pollenzo [Piedmont] and Colerno [Emilia-Romagna] is attracting hundreds of students, reports the online Mail & Guardian.

The private, non-profit University was inspired by Carlo Petrini’s Slow Food Movement and its aim is “to create an international research and education center for those working on renewing farming methods, protecting biodiversity, and building an organic relationship between gastronomy and agricultural science”.

Students at the University do not learn to cook but study subjects such as agronomy, viniculture, “sensory food analysis”, gastronomic journalism and the history and science of food. They also take field trips to locations as far away as Mexico and China to study food production in other cultures. At the end of their undergraduate, graduate or masters’ courses, they should be equipped to work in “quality food processing” in jobs ranging from production to marketing.

If you wish to study at the University, we understand that fees begin at 19,000 euros per annum but scholarships and grants are available.

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