Italian Language: Choosing the Perfect Bouquet for your Wedding in Italy

Classico Bouquet Rotondo - Classic Posy Bouquet

Bouquet a Cascata - Shower or Cascading Bouquet

Bouquet a Sfera - Pomander Bouquet or Kissing Ball

Bouquet Moderno a Manicotto - Modern Muff Style Bouquet

Bouquet a Fascio - Arm Sheaf Bouquet or Presentation Bouquet

Bouquet Gioiello - Brooch Bouquet

Bouquet in Stile Ikebana - Ikebana Style Bouquet

Bouquet a Bracciale - Wrist Bouquet

Bouquet a Cuore - Heart Shaped Bouquet

Bouquet a Ventaglio - Fan Bouquet
When planning a wedding abroad, you always worry about making sure everyone really understands what you want, your wedding planner, the hairdresser, the chef and, obviously, the florist too.
If you are planning a wedding in Italy and would like to know the names of various bridal bouquet styles in Italian this slideshow will help you and, perhaps, also offer ideas for your wedding day.
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