SUPERBONUS ,no more STOP ISEE at 25000- euro to get

12/20/2021 - 03:21


no more STOP ISEE at 25000- euro to get the 110 percent superbonus on the restoration of villas and country houses owned by a single family - to receive the Superbonus, 30% of the work must be completed by the end of June 20222

(use google traslator if you don't understand the written Italian language )


Hi hugo, been told by my builder today time limit for single family dwelling moved from 30 June till 31 december 22, no earning limits..

So there is still time for anyone thinking of applying for bonus on renovations, it seems they have made it more difficult to apply for due to massive fraud, so may take longer to apply for....

rather it is necessary to rely on technicians who ask for super bonuses, on works that have actually been done, with unreal prices - and not ask for more than what has actually been spent - all this money, which the Italian government makes available for the technical modernization of homes, no they fall from the sky like snow or rain, but they will, in the times to come, be returned to the state coffers, with the taxes paid, by those who pay these taxes in Italy - therefore, also the money donated to those who, they don't pay and they stay in Italy - a little bit of moderation and honesty - it doesn't hurt! - we welcome foreigners who buy in Italy, but Italians are not turkeys to pluck, for Christmas lunch