Recipe eBook Bundle

Italian Seasonal Recipes
Since many of us are passionate about Italian food we have created seasonal eBooks "Buon Appetito" for each season. Each recipe follows traditional Italian cooking methods, is easy to make and they are all of course, delicious! Learn how to whip up pappardelle pasta with a creamy mushroom sauce, Ciaramicola: Italy's Easter lemon-spice cake for lovers or limoncello sorbet!
Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall are all represented in this Italy Magazine series. From region to region, you will find a plethora of options with specific dishes that were passed down through generations around the boot.
The Bundle
Enjoy 4 recipe eBooks from our popular "Buon Appetito" piled high with tasty appetizers, mouth-watering first and second courses, and trust me, we never forget dessert.
Now you can get all four eBooks as a bundle and save 40%.