Town - City Home for sale in Civitaluparella - 4 bedroom, stone, town house of 165sqm, habitable, with 2 cellars open views and 2 long balconies, 950meters above sea level
Distances From
139 km - 86 miles
118 km - 73 miles
45 km - 28 miles
56 km - 35 miles
147 km - 91 miles
122 km - 76 miles
97 km - 60 miles
135 km - 84 miles
*Please note distances are straight line measurements and are approximate
Civitaluparella, Abruzzo. 4 bedroom, stone, town house of 165sqm, habitable, with 2 cellars open views and 2 long balconies, 950meters above sea level. Located in the historical center of this peaceful mountain village this property is spacious and light, offering 165sqm of habitable space plus 2 cellars. It has full gas central heating and in good condition, with just some modernising to carry out. The cellars can be restored to show off the solid stone walls and create a spacious entertainment area for the property. The house is located 15km to Lake Bomba, 40km to the 3rd biggest ski resort, 50km to the city of Lanciano, 50km to the beach, 90km to Pescara Airport and 4 hours drive to Rome. The house is connected to water, electricity, gas and sewage.