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Hi we live in Italy  and have had house insurance with "Insure my  Villa" for  the last  four years  I was more than happy  with it  , very recently they gave me a quote  which included the earthquake cover  , allowed me to  pay for the policy  then asked for what I call sensitive information...  "the code fiscale  we used to  buy the house" (our tax codes)   , before they  would release the  policy . I  cancelled  my policy as I felt it was un necessary  and not  right to  ask for on the outside of the policy  and after payment I have taken it to  a complaint  level . Still looking for another provider that will include  earthquake cover ,  you  might  be interested to  know  POST ITALIANE , do property insurance including earthquake we just found this out  earlier  today , you  need to make an appointment  to discuss your requirements   go to their site for information .