Susan Van Allen
Susan Van Allen’s love for Italy was inspired by her maternal grandparents, who were born in Molise and Potenza. She grew up on the New Jersey shore amidst great food and drama and has been traveling to Italy for over 40 years, immersing herself in adventures up and down the boot. Passionate about sharing her experiences, Van Allen has written 4 books, including “100 Places in Italy Every Woman Should Go”, and many stories for radio and print. She also designs and hosts Golden Weeks in Italy: For Women Only tours, created to give travelers authentic and joyful experiences of the Bel Paese.
Articles by suzvanallen
One of Italy’s oldest traditions is "taking the waters." Ancient Romans, experts at enjoying sensual pleasures, built elaborate bathhouses to indulge…
“Your miracles, Abano, give speech to the mute,” sang Emperor Claudius when he soaked in the waters of the Eugenean Hills. Romans back in those imperi…
Experiencing live music in Venice adds even more magic to this extraordinary destination. Along with singing gondoliers and the grandness of seeing an…
Along with joyful anticipation, when packing for a trip to Italy, panic may ensue.
Here are Ten Tips to bring back the fun.
Pack light. Dragging a…
In Florence, city of masterpieces, artisan traditions have flourished for centuries. It’s a joy to discover the abundance of shops where talented work…
Each year, more and more women are answering the siren’s call of a solo trip to Italy and setting off to discover its great beauty, pleasures, and tra…
The breathtaking beauty of Venice ranges from the dazzling Piazza San Marco to the delicate traditions of its artisans. It’s a pleasure to slow down a…
May is The Month of Mary, according to Catholic tradition. That’s why all over Italy you’ll see her statues adorned with spring flowers.
La Primavera brings us outdoors to revel in the delights of Italy’s gardens. Here Mamma Nature is tamed to glorious effect, with each spot reflecting…
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suzvanallen replied to a question: Your Favorite Emilia Romagna Tips and Memories with: "Acetaia di Giorgio -- in…"