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Questions Asked

What is the fax machine number for torre del Greco commune?


I want to get a birth certificate for dual citizenship by blood. 


I keep faxing to this number but it fails. 


+39 0818-491655


Sat, 12/23/2023 - 08:19

Comments posted

Thu, 01/11/2024 - 05:55

But I've tried email and no one ever answers

Tue, 01/02/2024 - 10:49

It may be the end of the year and all are on vacation.

I have not heard anything from a.formisano@comune.torredelgreco.na.it


does anyone have an example of replies from the office.


Maybe I'm missing the reply.



Sun, 12/24/2023 - 13:46

Hi Ugo Thanks so much.


I've tried so many paths.  Bless you for the information!


Let's pray this one reaches the right person!




Sun, 12/24/2023 - 12:28

Hi @alanh

I am not fluent in Italian.  Do they answer in English?

Also I tried all the fax numbers on the site https://www.comune.torredelgreco.na.it/index.php/i-servizi/uffici-conta…

 Anagrafe Centro                          081 8830525/520 081 8825353- Stato Civile 0818830533

but they do not seem to work.


fax failures