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Questions Asked

What is the fax machine number for torre del Greco commune?


I want to get a birth certificate for dual citizenship by blood. 


I keep faxing to this number but it fails. 


Comments posted

But I've tried email and no one ever answers

It may be the end of the year and all are on vacation.

I have not heard anything from a.formisano@comune.torredelgreco.na.it


does anyone have an example of replies from the office.


Maybe I'm missing the reply.



Hi Ugo Thanks so much.


I've tried so many paths.  Bless you for the information!


Let's pray this one reaches the right person!




Hi @alanh

I am not fluent in Italian.  Do they answer in English?

Also I tried all the fax numbers on the site https://www.comune.torredelgreco.na.it/index.php/i-servizi/uffici-conta…

 Anagrafe Centro                          081 8830525/520 081 8825353- Stato Civile 0818830533

but they do not seem to work.


fax failures