Alesha Allen
Alesha is an Oxford University graduate of Italian who lived and worked in Rome as a language teacher and PR consultant. Back in the UK, she now runs Alesha’s Italian Masterclass: group Italian courses and private lessons at Italian cafes and restaurants in London and Surrey. You can contact her at italianmasterclass@hotmail.com or through Facebook. Her website is www.italianmasterclass.co.uk.
Articles by Alesha Allen
The new year is a great time to make some resolutions.
I’d like to take some trips to Italy once it's safe to do so, spend more time with friends and…
If you’re lucky enough to live in or near the countryside, you may want to talk about the nature you can see right on your doorstep. There are fields,…
Today we’re going to look at different ways to say ‘I think so’ in Italian. You can’t translate this expression literally, so there are a few options…
If you’re planning on cooking some delicious Italian food at home this week, what Italian expressions could you use to describe your food? ‘Che buono!…
Spring — or la primavera — is officially here. It’s that beautiful time of year when the flowers bloom, the birds sing and the evening…
Easter is a major celebration in Italy, marked by regional and national traditions and wonderful food all over the country. As an important time on th…
When asking a friend what time you should meet for lunch, she may say ‘a mezzogiorno’ – at midday, at noon, or at 12pm.
However, when Italians…
In our opinion, every connection in Italy can be fantastic, full of new experiences. It can be helpful to know how to express your emotions…
There are some pronunciation rules we should all work hard to get spot on. They may be tricky but it’s worth the effort to avoid finding ourselves in…
How can you say goodbye to your new Italian friends without using the word ‘ciao’? There are many options! Try one of these out and not only will you…
Carnival season can be a wonderful time to visit the cities, towns and villages all over Italy. With processions, masks, colours, music, dancing and s…
It’s that time of year again! Valentine’s Day is here. If you’re single and on the lookout for a new love, it may come in handy to learn some Italian…
When we start learning a language, it’s not long before we learn days of the week and months of the year. In Italian, many of the words for months are…
Do you find yourself describing everything as ‘bello’ in Italian? ‘Bello’ is a great word, useful for so many situations.
- C…
Imagine not being able to describe how something tastes, or what it looks or sounds like? Imagine not being able to explain the colour, shape or featu…
Would you like a holiday home in Lake Como? Would you like to spend the summers at the Italian seaside? Would you like to speak Italian perfectly? If…
A question my friends and I used to ask each other regularly when I lived in Italy was: what are you doing on Saturday evening? This would then spark…
Correct pronunciation is key to communicating well in Italian. Have you ever considered using tongue twisters to strengthen your pronunciation skills?…
Christmas is finally almost here! Wherever you are celebrating this year, you may be interested in reading these popular Italian sayings about Christm…
If you’ve ever been to Italy over Christmas, you’ll have no doubt seen il presepe. This is the traditional Italian nativity scene and can be seen in c…