User Activity

Antinello replied to a question: Type of Medical Insurance Required for Foreign Residents with: "Suprise 'Police' Visit"

Antinello replied to a question: Cost of fencing per metre with: "Thanks"

Antinello replied to a question: Type of Medical Insurance Required for Foreign Residents with: "Insurance Approved - Residence Granted!"

Antinello replied to a question: Aqua Verde with: "Bordeaux Mix"

Antinello replied to a question: Process for Notifying Utilities Providers of Residence Status with: "ENEL Address"

Antinello replied to a question: Herbicide for Vines with: "Glyfokol"

Antinello replied to a question: Process for Notifying Utilities Providers of Residence Status with: "Thanks"

Antinello replied to a question: Herbicide for Vines with: "Thanks"

Antinello replied to a question: Which teaching English Course? with: "Teaching Cert."

Antinello replied to a question: Wax vs Solvent-based Chemical to seal cotto floor with: "thanks"