User Activity

Badger replied to a question: Certificato energetico from 1 July 2009 with: "Details of requirements for energy grants"

Badger replied to a question: Now Looking for Solar Panels for 3KW... with: "Thanks, Sablanico for your"

Badger replied to a question: Solar hot water - again with: "I take your point"

Badger replied to a question: Geothermal Heating V's Oil or Gas Heating with: "Electricity costs Single & 3 Phase Supply"

Badger replied to a question: Repairing our roof with: "We have a 4mm bitumen"

Badger replied to a question: Getting BBC IPlayer in Italy with: "It was a lighthearted reply"

Badger replied to a question: What do you need for Residency (EU Nationals) with: "Residency"

Badger replied to a question: ENEL with: "Capo Boi Are you using"

Badger replied to a question: UK Bank account, italian address? with: "Have Barclays, Nationwide,"

Badger replied to a question: Don't laugh !! with: "Also very good"