Charlotte Oliver
User Activity

Charlotte Oliver replied to a question: Inheritance rights of common law partners with: "Common law partners"

Charlotte Oliver replied to a question: What constitutes the 'estate' of the deceased? with: "Jointly owned property"

Charlotte Oliver replied to a question: Introduction to new group - Italian Succession law with: "Valididy of a will"

Charlotte Oliver replied to a question: Tax Help required please with: "English speaking commercialista"

Charlotte Oliver replied to a question: Dealing With Inherited Property with: "The Notary will be able to"

Charlotte Oliver replied to a question: Adding my wife to home ownership with: "Hi I havent posted here for a"

Charlotte Oliver replied to a question: IMPORTANT - Bad news on the health cover front with: "Infuriating"

Charlotte Oliver replied to a question: Proposal for new EU Regulation on Wills with: "English will covering Italian property?"

Charlotte Oliver replied to a question: inheritance tax with: "Yes I agree with the first"

Charlotte Oliver replied to a question: Is it snowing yet?! with: "The schools in Rome were"