User Activity

FromNowOn replied to a question: Slow page loading with: "Okay, can see your new group"
FromNowOn replied to a question: Buying salt in Italy with: "Well, yes I would have been"
FromNowOn replied to a question: Repair to terrace - waterproof membrane with: "Lastrico solare"
FromNowOn replied to a question: New to the forum with: "Weed control"
FromNowOn replied to a question: Dropped my Kindle and it's dead with: "Kindle drop test"
FromNowOn replied to a question: Going for an Indian... with: "Menus a bit repetitious?"
FromNowOn replied to a question: Buying salt in Italy with: "Turkish food?"
FromNowOn replied to a question: Limoncello with: "Raspberry and Limoncello Trifle"
FromNowOn replied to a question: Hot or Wot !!? with: "Good luck both ways"