User Activity

italyadv replied to a question: Can you please tell me if I have a membership? with: "Hi Karen
Thanks for…"

italyadv replied to a question: I am a founding member, but I don't seem to with: "Thank you so much for…"

italyadv replied to a question: Is anyone interested in a fantastic culinary and cultural experience with: "https://www.italymagazine…"

italyadv replied to a question: I am a new member. My wife will be traveling with: "Hi,
please click on this…"

italyadv replied to a question: Hi,We would like to do a day trip from with: "Hi, try to click on:

italyadv replied to a question: Hello there,I am planning a trip to Italy and with: "Hi, from website www…"

italyadv replied to a question: Hello,I am trying to buy a house in Sardinia , with: "Dott.ssa Rossana Taddei…"

italyadv replied to a question: I'm registered as an Italian living abroad under A.I. with: "In all municipalities there…"

italyadv replied to a question: Qual è la cosa più interessante da fare in Italia? with: "Puoi cominciare a cercare su…"

italyadv replied to a question: Ciao!We are looking at a trip to the Piemonte with: "from the website www…"