User Activity

piechart replied to a question: Electricity meter question..We've rented an apartment, however the previous with: "thumbs-up-emoji"

piechart replied to a question: Electricity meter question..We've rented an apartment, however the previous with: "Most of the meter boxes near…"

piechart replied to a question: Do you pay INPS on rental income?I' with: "Thanks, modicasa and Ugo. I"

piechart replied to a question: Do you pay INPS on rental income?I' with: "Grazie, Ugo!"

piechart replied to a question: italian free banking? with: "I spotted these when looking for the same as you ..."

piechart replied to a question: ciao da un'italiana ;) with: "Don't forget Italy has great mountains"

piechart replied to a question: Advice on buying a house that's not for sale with: "Thanks for your advice"

piechart replied to a question: Advice on buying a house that's not for sale with: "Aosta Valley"

piechart replied to a question: Advice on buying a house that's not for sale with: "Geometras and notaios"

piechart replied to a question: Qualifying for Italian citizenship and with: "Thanks Steve! I suspect you"