User Activity
Ugo replied to a question: Hi TV Licence exemption. It's time to ask for exemption with: "it's not entirely true, you…"
Ugo replied to a question: Hi TV Licence exemption. It's time to ask for exemption with: "you have two solutions - 1)…"
Ugo replied to a question: Hi TV Licence exemption. It's time to ask for exemption with: "God forgives them because…"
Ugo replied to a question: Hi TV Licence exemption. It's time to ask for exemption with: "Teolo 18 - sorry italian…"
Ugo replied to a question: Hi TV Licence exemption. It's time to ask for exemption with: "go to > https://www…"
Ugo replied to a question: I've been trying to set up a direct debit on with: "Tony114, give your Italian…"
Ugo posted a question: INFORMATION NOTE –Relating to the First Home benefits and related _title
Ugo replied to a question: TARI Tax 2024Just had my TARI bill for 2024. I used with: "Hi Alan,
When you interact…"
Ugo replied to a question: Can anyone help? I am also having problems with Enel. with: "Modi ,
Ugo replied to a question: Can anyone help? I am also having problems with Enel. with: "ENEL .. is a gang of thieves…"