Why a Gentleman Should Never Wish a Lady “Buona Befana”

In Italy, January 6, the Epiphany, is a national holiday to commemorate the visit of the Three Kings, i Re Magi, to the baby Jesus.
This is also the day when children receive presents from La Befana, a legendary figure who flies on a broomstick on Epiphany Eve and comes down the chimney to fill children's socks with either candy and presents (if they've been “nice”) or a lump of coal (if they've been “naughty”).
With the prospect of extra presents for the kids and one last feast before the year’s work really gets going, Epiphany is a particularly beloved holiday in Italy. The presence of La Befana adds a special twist. But, a word to the wise: La Befana is usually portrayed as an ugly-looking old witch, so a gentleman should never wish Happy Befana Day to a woman. That would get you an angry look if you are lucky, and a threat to be fed coal if not.
Italian women, on the other hand, embrace the day and laughingly extend to one another their best “Befana wishes.” There isn't a single year when my cousins and I miss this chance. When else can we call each other witches and get away with it?
In the spirit of self-mockery, above is a slideshow of women embracing their best Befana selves.