Great Foods of Italy: Risotto


I grandi cibi italiani: Risotto
risotto with mushrooms
Risotto with mushrooms and Parmigiano

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Risotto is now one of Italy’s most appreciated dishes, but it is actually a quite recent culinary treat. Widely used in the East for millennia, rice was imported by the ancient Romans who used it as a  medicine by drinking the cooking broth and throwing away the solid part; at the most, it was considered a bizarre food for the wealthy. Until the 1400s, rice was mainly sold in apothecaries, as a medicine and exotic plant.

Risotto, the most popular way to cook rice in Italy, originated in northern Italy, in particular in the regions of Lombardy, Veneto and Piedmont; from there, it spread in numerous versions throughout the country. In fact, there are different types of risotto, and almost none yet with a precise recipe or with just one type of rice recognized as the most suitable; Arborio, Carnaroli and Roma usually will all do. The other ingredients vary according to the recipe to be prepared.

There is general consensus however on the correct procedure, which involves toasting the rice in a pan, then cooking it over low heat, adding broth as necessary to allow the rice grains to release their starch into the liquid, creating a smooth, creamy texture. The broth can be derived from meat, fish, or vegetables. When the rice is cooked, the pot is taken off the heat for mantecatura, when a bit of butter and grated Parmigiano Reggiano are mixed in. The key to perfect risotto is to make it as creamy and smooth as possible. 

Excellent in all seasons, it can be paired with a variety of vegetables, such as pumpkin or mushrooms in the fall, artichokes or asparagus in the spring. In summer, light seafood risottos are ideal, such as risotto with shrimps. To give risotto a fanciful twist, you can grate some truffle on top. Other variations refer to specific areas or regions, such as risotto alla Milanese (Milan), risotto al Barolo (Piedmont), risi e bisi (Veneto). There are almost infinite combinations of ingredients and flavors that can be experienced in a risotto, and anyone can use their creativity to make the version that they like best. 


Il risotto è oggi uno dei piatti italiani più apprezzati, ma in realtà si tratta di una prelibatezza piuttosto recente. Largamente usato in Oriente da millenni, il riso era importato dagli antichi romani che lo utilizzavano come medicinale bevendone il brodo di cottura e buttando via la parte solida; al massimo era considerato un bizzarro cibo per i ricchi. Fino al 1400, il riso veniva venduto principalmente nelle farmacie, come medicinale e pianta esotica.

Il risotto, il modo più d

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