Hidden Gems of Italy: Borghetto sul Mincio


Perle nascoste d’Italia: Borghetto sul Mincio
Borghetto sul Mincio

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Less than 30 km south-west of Verona, Borghetto sul Mincio is rated among Italy’s most beautiful villages. Preservation efforts have managed to retain its evocative medieval appearance as a fortified settlement on the river. 

The origins of the village go back to the time of the Lombard domination of the area, when Borghetto was a strategic outpost on the river Mincio. For almost 1,000 years, Borghetto sul Mincio was part of the south-west route anyone needed to take to move across Venetian lands; over the centuries even large armies, such as the French army of Napoleon in 1796, crossed its fortified bridge.

The oldest buildings, most dating back to the mid-1300s, are concentrated in the center of Borghetto sul Mincio. They include the graceful church of San Marco Evangelista, founded in the 10th century and restored in the 1700s. Inside there are beautiful 15th-century frescoes and the oldest bell of the Verona area.

Among the narrow streets of Borghetto you will find the well-preserved ancient water mills with the typical metal wheels and stone walls, dating back to the early 15th century; three of these mills are in perfect working order and it is possible to visit them inside to see how the power of the river’s waters is transferred to the mill.

In the center of the village you will also find the ancient stone houses built during the Middle Ages and perfectly restored over the last few years. 

Just beyond the Mincio on top of a small hill is the spectacular Scaligero Castle. From its high walls, you can enjoy a great view of the entire area below.

On the opposite bank of the river there are numerous taverns cafés where you can have lunch or just sit down for a drink and admire from a different perspective the unique view of Borghetto sul Mincio over the placid waters of the river.



Situato a meno di 30 km a sud-ovest di Verona, Borghetto sul Mincio è considerato tra i borghi più belli d'Italia. Gli sforzi di conservazione sono riusciti a mantenere il suo suggestivo aspetto medievale di insediamento fortificato sul fiume.

Le origini del paese risalgono all'epoca della dominazione longobarda della zona, quando Borghetto era un avamposto strategico sul fiume Mincio. Per quasi 1000 anni, Borghetto sul Mincio ha fatto parte della rotta sud-ovest che chiunque doveva

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