Hidden Gems of Italy: the Church of San Zaccaria in Venice


Perle nascoste d’Italia: la Chiesa di San Zaccaria a Venezia
Church of San Zaccaria in Venice

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While most visitors to Venice have likely not heard of the Church of San Zaccaria, this former monastic complex is considered one of the most beautiful religious buildings in the city. 

Dating from the 15th century, it is located on Campo San Zaccaria, just off the waterfront to the southeast of St. Mark’s Square. The church is dedicated to St. Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist. 

The convent of San Zaccaria was once the most important women’s religious institute in Venice and was closely linked to the Doge and the nobility of the city. 

The first church on the site was built in the early 9th century to house the body of Zechariah. The current building is a mixture of Gothic and Renaissance style.

The remains of various doges are buried in the crypt, which is the oldest surviving part of the original church. And it is indeed the crypt the main peculiarity of the church: it is flooded most of the year due to the tides. Located below the chapel of San Tarasio, it dates from the beginning of the 10th century and is rather small, but quite evocative.

In addition, the church contains one of Giovanni Bellini’s most famous works, the San Zaccaria altarpiece and paintings by Venetian artists of the caliber of Tintoretto and Tiepolo and the Florentine Andrea del Castagno.

The Church of San Zaccaria is in the Castello district, where you can also visit the Arsenal, the Naval History Museum and the Cloister of Sant’Apollonia.


Sebbene la maggior parte dei visitatori di Venezia non abbia probabilmente sentito parlare della Chiesa di San Zaccaria, questo ex complesso monastico è considerato uno degli edifici religiosi più belli della città.

Risalente al XV secolo, si trova in Campo San Zaccaria, poco distante dal litorale a sud-est di Piazza San Marco. La chiesa è dedicata a San Zaccaria, padre di Giovanni Battista.

Il convento di San Zaccaria era un tempo il più importante istituto religioso femm

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