Unusual Places in Italy: Arcomagno, Calabria’s Most Beautiful Beach


Luoghi insoliti in Italia: Arcomagno, la spiaggia più bella della Calabria
Italian beach called Arcomagno in calabria ionian sea with rocks natural arch

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Along Calabria’s Riviera dei Cedri, the northern stretch of coast facing the Thyrrenian Sea, there is a unique small cove where the rocks and a crystal clear sea create a breathtaking show. It is Arcomagno beach, at San Nicola Arcella, in the province of Cosenza, a jewel guarded between two much more famous destinations, Scalea and Praia a Mare.

Arcomagno is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful beaches in Calabria. Shaped by the erosive action of the sea on the rock, it owes its name to the imposing stone arch that frames the access to the sea. An opening in the arch has led to the creation of a small bay, with small pebbles and crystalline waters.

Right next to the inlet is the Saracen’s Grotto, a natural cavity with a spring of fresh water inside. This small corner of Calabria was once a docking point for the Saracens headed for Italy.

The most spectacular way to reach Arcomagno beach is along a marked path carved into the rock. The scenic path is short, but narrow and steep, and can be slippery. Along the trail you can admire a beautiful view over the Tyrrhenian coast of Calabria, including the beach resort of Praia a Mare and the small island of Dino off the coast.

For a more relaxing, but equally scenic, way to reach Arcomagno by sea, either rent a pedal boat from nearby Marinella beach, or hop on a regular boat from other nearby beaches.

If you decide to visit this pearl of the famous Gulf of Policastro, we recommend you avoid the high season because the small beach can get very crowded. Arcomagno is at its most spectacular at sunset. 


Lungo la Riviera dei Cedri, il tratto di costa settentrionale della Calabria che si affaccia sul Mar Tirreno, si trova una caletta davvero unica, dove le rocce e un mare cristallino creano uno spettacolo mozzafiato. È la spiaggia di Arcomagno, a San Nicola Arcella in provincia di Cosenza, un gioiello custodito tra due mete ben più rinomate, Scalea e Praia a Mare.

Arcomagno è senza dubbio una delle spiagge più belle della Calabria. Modellata dall'azione erosiva del mare sulla roccia,

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