The signature November event of the Parma lowlands has only one protagonist: pork. Yes, the area where some of the best pork products, including Culatello di Zibello and Parma ham, are lovingly produced is dedicating the entire month to his majesty il maiale with the fun annual event “November Porc”.
A sort of gourmet relay race is being held in four different towns each weekend in November: next up is Polesine Parmense, followed by Zibello and Roccabianca (Sissa was the location for the weekend that kicked off the festival). Each town will present a different pork product: the “heaviest” prete, the Guinness strolghino, the biggest cicciolata (these are all typical cold cuts of the Parma area).
The festival features food stands, handcrafted beers, street art and music. For the whole month of November, the restaurants located along the "Strada del Culatello" (Culatello route) will offer dedicated menus with local pork dishes at bargain prices.
For more information on November Porc, click here.