10508 Timber Beetle control

Dear All
Does anyone have any experience of controlling [I]Hylotrupes bajulus[/I] - the 'Old House Beetle' or 'Italian Beetle' in roof timbers? We've been told they are present in our roof timbers (in Umbria) - despite the fact that they are [I]Castanea[/I] and an internet search suggests they only attack softwoods.

The method of control suggested to us seems incredably drastric, inconvenient and very expensive!!

Any helpful comments greatly appreciated!


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Good luck! I favour the "microwave the beetle" solution (though I've never experienced it, nor do I have any idea what it costs!)

If you do have a serious infestation, (several friends had an infestation of a beetle called something like Capricorno) and your beams are being eaten through the middle but look fine on the outside. You simply hear them munching...then you do really have to pay a professional to sort it. All food stuffs have to be removed from the house and it is fiumigated with a smoke system. It involves a person from the USL visiting after the sulphur gas treatment I believe. A firm to try for a quote and recommended, are IDC at Sansepolcro tel 0575 741500

We have exactly the same problem. Our beams are also "castagna" and I do not believe the view that chestnut is impervious to them.

You may wish to look at the thread I initiated on this forum on 29 August on same subject.

I believe Hydrops bajules "Capricorno" is a serious problem. Since I posted in August I obtained an opinion and quote from a company who should by now have done the work, but in typical fashion still havent!

Good luck - let me know how you get on!