174 Property in Puglia / Any advice welcome


We are travelling to Puglia in May to try to buy a property if we can find something suitable. Anyone got any advice. Also can anyone recommend a good English speaking lawyer in the area as we would like to get our own indepenent advise.

We want to use the house for personal and rental use with a view to using it for longer periods ourselves in time to come. What is the rental market actually like?

We are split between a tullio or a newer property.

Any advice or words of warning gratefully received.


General chat about Italy

We bought a trulli masseria in December through Apulia Properties. They were trustworthy and helpful. There are quite a few sub-agents about, English, Irish, and some sharks. Our property has a lot of potential but also needs a great deal of work. I don't know now if this was such a good idea as we have limited time we plan to spend in Puglia. Many properties are overvalued by their owners to crazy levels (not that they can sell them!) They imagine it is a gold rush. Any questions please ask! :)

Hi, we bought a charming property through "trulli for sale".. they were very friendly and honest.