8973 La Dolce Vita 2008 "Gettogether"

Just wondering if all here going on the Saturday to La Dolce Vita would like to meet at the Italymag stand and go off for an espresso in the Piazza, say around 11am???


General chat about Italy

Will be presenting the speakers in the property and tourism theatre and would love to meet up, don't know my schedule yet, is it only saturday are you thinking of? Call me (phone number on the web site) and look forward to seeing everyone.

Will be at the show and try to escape from the property and tourism theatre. If not call me on the uk mobile and we could meet up at some point during the day 07765 145380. Look forward to meeting up

Should be at the show Friday (after 1130am) for the whole day and probably Saturday afternoon until close. Drop by the ITALY stand :smile: