Assets I dont know how the system works. Presumably the dead person has an estate which is passed on to next of kin. In England, re-marriage can mean that children of the former spouse are entitled to a percentage. In a once-only marriage, I think the children of that marriage get a %, along with the widow.
Liabilities. In UK, again the dead person has an estate , out of which are paid any debts. I have heard, alarmingly, in Italy that surviving members of the family become responsible for paying off any debts over and above the estate. This means eg that a sole remaining parent could die penniless, leaving the children to pay off thousands of pounds. "Up to a point", Im told, but nobody can explain what that point is. Would the childs house have to be sold off eg, to pay off a fathers gambling debt? All a bit worrying really.
What happens if two people buy a property in italy who are both unmarried but buy the property in joint names. If one of them should die, does their family have the right to claim half the property of the deceased and if so what happens to the surviving person. Does the surviving person have to give the up half of their property. What happens? Can anyone help.
What happens if two people buy a property in italy who are both unmarried but buy the property in joint names. If one of them should die, does their family have the right to claim half the property of the deceased and if so what happens to the surviving person. Does the surviving person have to give the up half of their property. What happens? Can anyone help.